My Silly Love Story

On April 16th, 2018, my boyfriend and I will have been together for three years. I know to some, that is not long but to me, it has been long enough for me to truly feel he is the one. I know there is always the possibility we will not work out but so far, we are happier than ever, and I could not imagine my life without him. Now, I understand if you do not wish to read a silly girl’s love story but for those who adore love stories, I think you might enjoy mine.

The first time I saw Trevor was my sophomore year of high school. We were both in Sophomore Leadership. This was a program held by local schools where the top three students of each class learned leadership skills. He was a student from Hardin Northern, and I was a student from Upper Scioto Valley. Like any other young girl in high school, I was looking for cute boys, and he was one of them. Now, it would seem logical to think he thought I was cute too, and we began talking, but this was not how we got together. In fact, he never remembered me from Sophomore Leadership! That only goes to show how women usually have better memories!

Another time I saw him before we got together was at Community Market. Yes, I am referring to the local grocery store. I went to pick up some groceries in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, and he was working. I instantly recognized him and felt awful for looking so lazy. As I paid for my groceries, he came to the register to bag my food. He held the bags waiting for me to take him to my car as I struggled to put the cart back. “Um, it won’t go in that way,” he said. “Oh,” I replied, and I walked outside embarrassed. I took him to my car and opened the trunk. “You look tired,” he said. “Yeah,” I replied. “I’ve been busy babysitting.” There I was looking like crap, and I could not have a normal conversation with a cute guy. He put my groceries in my car and returned to work. Unfortunately, Trevor does remember that encounter. He tells me he usually went to the lines with cute girls, but I don’t know if I can believe that.

The day our relationship truly began was on my 17th birthday. Just like any other girl, I posted some cute selfies on social media. Shortly after, I got a notification saying Trevor Motter liked my photo. As usual, I got a little excited. I looked at his Instagram account and requested to follow him. Then, like the creepy and desperate girl I was, I found his Twitter and requested to follow him there too. That was when it all began.

That is right, he “slid into my DMs.” I remember I was such a dork I literally jumped up in down in my kitchen when I got the notification. How could my birthday get any better! He eventually gave me his number, and we could not stop talking. Then, he asked me on a date.
The following Saturday, he came to my house to pick me up. I prepped as much as I could in the mirror. We went to eat at Max and Erma’s in Findlay. I was extremely shy back then, and I hated eating in front of people. I have never been to Max and Erma’s before, so I had no clue what to get. Therefore, I asked him to surprise me. I must say that was one of the worst mistakes I have ever made because he ordered chicken parmesan for me and ordered himself a salad!  I practically took the whole meal home!
After that, we had an interesting date. We drove around in his manual Ford Focus, which I found quite impressive. He politely asked me if I would like to hold hands. Feel free to laugh. Then, as he was driving me home, he missed the exit. Looking back on that night, I realize how silly it was, but it was like a fairytale. I still do not know what made him interested in my shy and dorky self.

April 16th, 2015, I went to his house for the first time. To my surprise, he handed me a piece of paper. It was a quiz. The quiz consisted of silly but cute questions. The last one asked if I would be his girlfriend. To answer, the options were yes, no or kiss him. Being the awkward person I was, I hugged him. “That wasn’t one of the options,” he said. I would have kissed him, but I was too nervous. As I pulled away from the hug, he kissed me, and we have been together ever since.
We went to prom and homecoming together. I introduced him to my love of art, and he introduced me to his love of cars. It took quite some time for me to feel completely comfortable around him, but he was patient. Eventually, we became our true goofy selves around each other. Our relationship has not been perfect, but I think it is as close to perfect as it can get. I know this may sound cliché, but he is more than a boyfriend. He is my best friend. I do not know what the future holds for us but for now, I could not be happier.


  1. This is awesome! I love stuff like this. I also met my current boyfriend and high school and we've been together for four years. It is so funny to look back at how our awkward high school selves stumbled into what we called love then. Isn't it crazy how much the love grows years later? Your story isn't cliche, I feel that way too! I'm glad you are so happy with him.


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