Could you give up social media?

In Bret Molina’s article “Could you quit social media? Your answer may depend on your age,” he explains interesting information found by a survey from the Pew Research Center. The survey found 40 percent of participants said they would find it difficult to give up social media. This is a 12 percent increase from four years ago. The survey also found generally younger adults find it more difficult to part with social media than older adults. I find this information very interesting but through my experience, I believe there are other factors than age.
I generally believe the more experience you have with social media, the easier it is to part with it. In other words, you get sick of it. I built this assumption based on my own experience and my observation of others. I personally have been on social media for quite a long time. I may get on social media from time to time but if I had to part with it, it would not be a huge issue for me. On the other hand, I feel my mother would have more difficulty. My mother has little experience with Facebook and since she has gotten into the platform, she has not been able to part with it. Of course, my mother is a lot older than I, so this is where I find the survey’s results to be surprising.
There is a flaw in this assumption. Since the younger generation has grown up with social media, would they not have more experience with it and find it easier to quit? I am not entirely sure. Therefore, I believe it just depends on the person and why they are on social media in the first place. Do they use social media for entertainment? Is social media their main form of entertainment, like my mother? Do they use social media to feel accepted or included? I think the cause for your use of social media plays a large role in the level of your need to have it.
Overall, Pew Research Center conducted a really interesting survey. It is neat looking into peoples’ relationships with social media. I am not sure if the true cause of social media addiction will ever be discovered but if it does, I will be looking forward to finding out what it is!


  1. I recently wrote about one of PEW Research Center's different studies and I just love seeing what they have to say! They include so much valuable information to answer questions about social media and I find this survey extremely interesting. My senior year of high school I gave up social media for a few weeks and honestly, it was pretty hard, but I feel like people our age do need to use it less because social media addiction is becoming a real issue!!

  2. I think there are a lot of factors contributing to how people feel about social media and how hard it would be for them to give it up. I think a huge part of it is what you individually use social media for. Some people just use social media as a form of entertainment, some use it to stay in touch with friends or what is going on in the world, some people use it to make a living. Even within that spectrum I think it varies. Someone who uses social media as their job might be happy to give it up for a little while to give themselves a break, or they might not be able to take even a day off or they would jeopardize their living. I think it all depends! This is an interesting study though!


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