Winter Break Countdown

Halloween has passed, and Thanksgiving is nearly here. This means fall semester is almost over! After a week off for Thanksgiving break, there is only two short weeks of classes and finals to follow.

I should be looking at this final stretch with excitement. I should be wishing for the time to pass faster, but I what I really want is the exact opposite.

Out of all the semesters I have taken at Ohio Northern University, this one has been the most stressful. My schedule consists of two design courses, two history courses and two communications courses. Of these six classes, four have large final projects, and two have final papers with presentations. I feel I would normally be able to handle these finals well, but extra assignments interrupt me from working on the larger projects. Therefore, my Thanksgiving break is not a break at all. My break will consist of me sitting in front of my computer catching up on every project, paper and presentation I can.

Of course, school work is stressful, but extra stressors add to my filled plate. Next summer, I hope to get a great internship, and the time to begin applying is very, very soon. Therefore, I know I need to design and update my resume and portfolio. The issue is I do not know when I will have the time!

Finally, I am going to New York City the first week of winter break. This should be exciting, right? Do not get me wrong, I am ecstatic for New York City. Times Square at dark is my favorite place. So, why is this also a stressor? When I went to New York City the first time, it was my high school senior trip, and there were so many things I wanted to see and do but did not have the opportunity. This time I can see and do so many things, but I need to plan when and how to do them. Money is also a concern.

All these issues rattle around in my brain. As for now, all I can do is get through this week. I hope and pray Thanksgiving break gives me enough time to catch up on everything I need to, so I can begin to relax. Then, I should be able to focus on applying to internships and my trip. The end is almost near! It will take some time and work, but God will help me get there.


  1. I think everyone can relate to having a semester like this - it seems like you just can't catch a break! I will be praying that God gives you the strength to stay motivated and accomplish what needs to get done. I think you need some time to relax and take a break from work. Your trip sounds amazing and I hope you enjoy your time there. You can do it!

  2. Girl YES I feel you on a spiritual level. Just the other night I wrote a list of EVERYTHING I have left for the semester and boy did I stress myself out. YOU HAVE THIS THOUGH! You are so dedicated and authentic with everything you do and like Michaela said, I too will be praying for you! I hope you blog about NYC because I know you are going to have some awesome pictures!

  3. This semester has also been the most stressful for me. I can not believe the year is almost over and we have less than three weeks when we return!


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