The benefits of giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day families gather, eat good food and give thanks. Sadly, I do not commonly think to stop and give thanks until this day comes. In fact, I am sure I am not the only one.
Of course, Thanksgiving should not be the only day we show gratitude for what we have. Being thankful is not only a good thing to do, it also has physical and emotional benefits. This video explains how an “attitude of gratitude” can greatly improve your overall well-being.

With that said, I would like to dedicate this blog to things in which I am thankful. I am thankful for:

  1.  God: Originally, I was going to say life, but then I remembered I would not have the life I have if it was not for God. No matter how rough things get, I am thankful to be alive and build my own story.
  2. My Family: No matter how irritating my family can get, they are always there for me and support me in everything I do. My mom raised me as a single mother most of my life. I know it was not easy, so I am thankful she had the strength and courage to do so.
  3. My friends and the people around me: I joke and say I do not have friends, but I know if that were true, my life would be miserable. Yes, I have met cruel people in this world, but I have met so many kind ones as well. I am grateful to have others to talk, laugh and smile with in this life.
  4. My cat: This may sound silly, but my cat Adobe makes me so happy. When my friends or family are not around, I can always lay on the couch, call his name and expect him to run into the room to cuddle me. His life makes mine so much better.
  5. My opportunities: I have grown up being told I would accomplish much in my life. Thankfully, I have been able to do much more than I could ever imagine. Completing my higher education at Ohio Northern University (ONU) has been a great opportunity of mine. I would have never been capable of affording ONU if it were not for scholarships and grants I have been granted.
  6. My possessions
    I could split this item into many, but I find it easier to place them all under the same category. I know there are many things I have because of pure desire, not need. I am thankful to have all the things I do need and much more.
Take the time to stop and show gratitude of your own, and don’t stop there! Try to give thanks at least once a week or once a day and see if you notice the benefits it brings.


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