Fall Break Adventures

Temple of Tolerance, Wapakoneta, Ohio.

In college, not having to go to class is a blessing. Therefore, breaks are always starred or highlighted in one’s calendar. 
October 8th and 9th was Ohio Northern University’s fall break. Many students took the opportunity to go home and relax and/or take a trip. Things are a different for me since I live in the same town as the University. Clearly, I did not sit around and do nothing over fall break. So, what did I do? Believe it or not, there are some interesting things to do not too far from the small town of Ada, Ohio. 
My first fall break adventure was spontaneous. I had the day to myself, so why not do something I enjoy. Therefore, I went shopping in Findlay, Ohio. Of course, I did not need anything, but I love looking for things I might want and possibly buy them. I stopped at Gabe’s, Bath and Body Works and my favorite store, T.J. Maxx. As I left the city with my loot, a sign caught my attention. I have gone to Findlay numerous times, but I did not know there was a nature preserve! Next thing I knew, I pulled into the Oakwoods Nature Preserve. It was a perfect day to walk the trails and enjoy the beauty of the outdoors. Some unexpected stops are the most rewarding. 
Oakwoods Nature Preserve, Findlay, Ohio.
My second adventure was in Wapakoneta, Ohio. A friend and I planned to explore the Temple of Tolerance but also added another stop. This was the Armstrong Air and Space Museum. This museum highlights the life of Neil Armstrong, who is from Wapakoneta, and space travel. It was cool to see a rock from the moon’s surface and a starry hall made of mirrors and lights. After the museum, we stopped at the Temple of Tolerance. This site is quite interesting because it is in the backyard of a house in the middle of the city. You feel you are trespassing at first but once you reach the beautiful rock garden, you forget where you are, and you take off to explore. You walk through a labyrinth of rocks, plants and sculptures until you reach an opening. The sun illuminates a giant temple, and you can’t help but be amazed. You can climb to the top of the temple or any of the large rocks. It truly is a great experience, 
For the rest of my break, I relaxed, slept and tried to catch up on work. Overall, I am satisfied with what I did. For the first time in a long time, I got to go on not one adventure, but many. I recommend others to explore these sites as well. I am excited to see what I will do next break.
Armstrong Air and Space Museum, Wapakoneta, Ohio. Starry Hall


  1. Sounds like you had a great fall break! It's awesome to know there is a lot more to do near Ada than I originally thought!

  2. I love your photos. Good that you had a break from classes in a beautiful place.


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