My mother's spiritual encounters

My mother and I are Christians. Through the years, my mother has told me of times she had seen angels or other signs of God.  Some may think they are only stories or exaggerations. Honestly, I cannot say whether they are or not, but I trust my mother to be true. Now, I understand and respect not everyone is Christian, and this blog does not intend to change anyone’s religious beliefs. I only wish to share my mother’s spiritual encounters I have grown up hearing so much about.
The first spiritual encounter my mother had was shortly before the birth of my brother Jacob in 1985. She said, “A beautiful angel appeared to me in my sleep, and I was amazed at her presence. She told me she had come to give me a message. The message was, ‘Blessed is Jacob.’” My mother could not believe what she saw. She is not sure why it happened or why her baby was blessed. It never happened with her other two children. I have personally heard this story many times, but she is hesitant to tell others because she feels they will not believe her. The encounter was in a dream, and she was pregnant. So, what are the odds people would?
In 1989, my mother lost her second child, Jesse. The child was stillborn, and my mother was truly suffering from the loss. One day, something happened which helped her cope with the pain. She said, “I felt a strong need to go to my baby’s grave. I had to go there. The grave still had a mound of dirt on top. As soon as I reached the grave, I saw a clump of dirt break loose and roll down the side of the mound. As this magically happened, I heard a voice say to me, “Mommy, I am alright.” I suddenly felt comfort as if I was wrapped in my makers arms. I could sense God and the angels were letting me know my baby was in a great place, and I should not to worry about him.” Thanks to this encounter, my mother was given the power to move forward. She never forgets her lost child and knows she will get to see him one day.
My mother was scared she would also lose her next child, Cassidy, in 1990. When she was born, she inhaled fluid and had complications breathing. My mother finally had a daughter, and she did not know if she would make it. My mother prayed many prayers, and God answered. My sister lives and can breathe well enough to talk for hours.
God also helped my mother make decisions in her life. He helped her decide to have me and helped her leave my father, but God still had another big miracle to work.
Of course, the most memorable spiritual story I remember involves me. In 2005, my hands were covered in warts. “The doctor scheduled us to have them burnt off, and this scared Crystal to death,” my mom said.  “One night before the procedure, we both lied in bed and talked to Jesus. I prayed for God to take them off her hands and put them on mine.” The next morning, my hands had not a single wart. There were no signs I had them in the first place. God took my mother’s offer. Shortly later, my mom got one small wart on her finger.
I know these events seem hard to believe, and I do not wish to convince anyone they are true. My mother and I truly feel we have a connection with God, and we are thankful for everything he does for us.
Every day in my life journey, I know I am not alone,” my mom says. “I talk and pray every day and thank my lord for my life. I have been given what I need to raise my children the best I can, and I know I am blessed to have my family. God lives in my heart and when my last breath is taken, I will fly with my creator in a realm on the other side, wherever that may be.”


  1. Crystal, I think you sharing this is beautiful. I think no matter what anyone believes, whatever we think we see or hear or do in fact see and hear, if we truly feel God or any other spiritual being is reaching out to us and sending us a positive message, we should accept it and believe it. Somehow, someway your mother was granted a sense of extreme peace and joy in the moments she has experienced and I think it is completely valid and wonderful! So many things happen in this world we can't explain, little miracles and big ones. Your faith in God and they way I see He's worked in your life (because I also believe) is inspiring.


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