
Showing posts from November, 2018

The Christmas list of a 20-year-old college student

It is the last week of November which means Christmas is right around the corner. As Christmas trees are set up in front of the windows of houses and holiday ads are stuffed in mailboxes, I cannot help but remember being a child writing my wish list to Santa. Since I am older now, I am clearly not asking for fun items such as a new doll or the famous Fingerlings. I may be considered too old to write a Christmas list, but this does not spoil the fun! ·        Spyro Reignited Trilogy When I was young, I grew up playing Spyro on my PlayStation 1. Recently, the Spyro Reignited Trilogy game was released for PlayStation 4. This game including the original Spyro trilogy completely remastered. I cannot wait to play it! ·        A Laptop Case As a graphic design student, I am on my laptop all the time. Must I explain this item further? ·        A weighted blanket While browsing online, I have seen a lot about weighted blankets. I love blankets in general, so

The benefits of giving thanks

Happy Thanksgiving! Today is the day families gather, eat good food and give thanks. Sadly, I do not commonly think to stop and give thanks until this day comes. In fact, I am sure I am not the only one. Of course, Thanksgiving should not be the only day we show gratitude for what we have. Being thankful is not only a good thing to do, it also has physical and emotional benefits. This video explains how an “attitude of gratitude” can greatly improve your overall well-being. With that said, I would like to dedicate this blog to things in which I am thankful. I am thankful for:   God: Originally, I was going to say life, but then I remembered I would not have the life I have if it was not for God. No matter how rough things get, I am thankful to be alive and build my own story. My Family: No matter how irritating my family can get, they are always there for me and support me in everything I do. My mom raised me as a single mother most of my life. I know it was not eas

Winter Break Countdown

Halloween has passed, and Thanksgiving is nearly here. This means fall semester is almost over! After a week off for Thanksgiving break, there is only two short weeks of classes and finals to follow. I should be looking at this final stretch with excitement. I should be wishing for the time to pass faster, but I what I really want is the exact opposite. Out of all the semesters I have taken at Ohio Northern University, this one has been the most stressful. My schedule consists of two design courses, two history courses and two communications courses. Of these six classes, four have large final projects, and two have final papers with presentations. I feel I would normally be able to handle these finals well, but extra assignments interrupt me from working on the larger projects. Therefore, my Thanksgiving break is not a break at all. My break will consist of me sitting in front of my computer catching up on every project, paper and presentation I can. Of course, school wo

My philosophy behind “going Dutch”

Most people would agree part of what makes going out a date is one person pays for the other. It is almost expected. If you are like me, you think this is a stupid requirement. It does make sense and is acceptable if you are married or in a relationship, but I do not see how it is necessary in the early stages of dating. Personally, I prefer to “go Dutch.” For those who have not heard this term before, going Dutch means the couple pays separately on a date. Yes, this is uncommon and seems to have a negative connotation, but I do not see it as a bad thing. First, when a male takes a female on a date, he is almost expected to pay for the female. I think this has become the norm due to the gender stereotype which implies men should take care of women. Now, I am not saying this is bad, but it can be unfair. Now in days, both men and women work and make their own income. Therefore, why couldn’t each individual use the money they make to pay for their food, movie or whatever else t