My Graphic Design Internship

Last summer, I had the amazing opportunity to complete an internship at Ohio Northern University’s office of communications and marketing. If you did not know already, I am a graphic design student at Ohio Northern University (ONU). Since I live two minutes from the university, this opportunity was very convenient. Although I did not have to travel far, I had a helpful experience which taught me many lessons and skills.

The transition from the classroom to the workplace in my profession was difficult for me. In the classroom, there were set steps which were monitored and graded by the professor. Other students in the class gave feedback as well to improve your designs. For my internship, this was not the case. I was given a project and once completed, I sent the completed work back. Rarely would I receive any feedback at all. This was stressful and often lead to me questioning myself and my work. It felt as if my training wheels were removed, and I was given the full responsibility of a professional designer in the workplace. 

Through this experience, I learned a wide variety of things. Of course, I learned some tips and tricks about Adobe programs and other design related knowledge. What surprised me most was the unexpected knowledge and experiences I gained. Before my internship, I did not understand the amount of communication needed within the office of communications and marketing. Each project was a collaboration between the writers, project directors and designers. I also got to experience art directing. During a photoshoot, I was the student model and watched the art director guide the photographer to get the best compositions. Finally, I was able to do some videography for ONU as well. I had to fill the position since the past videographer left the institution. Therefore, I learned a completely new program and experienced an interesting and stressful event.

Through the struggles, I survived! I believe I was a strong asset to Ohio Northern University’s communications and marketing team and was able to create some successful work. I am truly grateful for this experience because in the past 3 months, I have picked up experience and skills which strengthened me as a designer. I am looking forward to the internship I obtain next summer!


  1. Crystal - these are amazing! I was immediately drawn in to your first picture because I was a part of the ONU Holiday Spectacular last year. However, I am so glad I read this blog because wow your designs that you have included here are really great. You are so talented and I am so glad to hear you enjoyed your internship!

  2. Hi Crystal! Really love the images you worked on! The Football and Choreographers' Showcase images really stand out to me. It's awesome you got to learn and experience so much from your internship and it seems like you're off to a great start in your career!


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